
How To Get Ideas Flowing: A How To On Writing

This is the first blog about writing in a while, so what are we gonna discuss? What is the most important part of writing in its most fundamental roots?

Knowing what you’re going to be writing about!

Hello, guys! I think most of you are here because you are into writing? Even if you aren’t, there are some helpful tips I would love to share to make your writing and ability to compile ideas a little easier. Ideas won’t come to you, so it is up to our creative minds to find inspiration in the world around us.

In order to start any writing project, you have to have a goal in mind and a conclusion. No matter how vague, you need to have an idea on what to write about.

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Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Where do ideas come from?

When it comes to writing it can come from our own experience in life. There are blogs created for one particular interest around based entirely on sharing first-hand knowledge about a topic. Some big examples are How To books and memoirs.

You can also get ideas from other forms of media or communications. While reading a book,  watching a movie, or viewing a random commercial before you watch a YouTube video can inspire you in making your own idea. The possibilities for that sort of inspiration are endless, so my tip is to keep an open mind!

lavender flower field on bloom
Photo by Kelly Rabie on Pexels.com

I am not, however, saying to copy off another’s work. I am saying let another’s work inspire some spark within you that you can work with to form your own creation.

There’s a million ways to get an idea by asking ‘What If’s. What if you were actually a robot? Which you only first discover when a man in a white lab coat rolls up to you and your friends having a coffee out at the local Starbucks?

person holding black pen
Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

My main tips are:

  • Keep writing, even if it’s about nothing at all. Write every day and something will pop up that will excite you.
  • Keep a dream journal. You may have the weirdest dreams, but I would advise you to write down what happened after you jolt awake- I mean right after. I have such a journal with my handwriting going all over the place, but I get idea when I read over it. I don’t even remember my dreams minutes after waking up! So write fast!
  • Keep your mind open. You never know what you’ll see and find at any given moment.
  • Never stop learning. You can find so many interesting topics and inspiration from learning a new skill or research a certain topic.
gold pen on journal book
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Pexels.com

And those are all the tips I have for now. Just remember, there is no such thing as a horrible idea the first time you write it down. It’s when you come back to it that can determine whether or not it’s worth your time!